Legal Documents Analysis Solutions
Get informed, not tired
Get informed, not tired
Organizational relationships are regulated through legal contracts. Terms might be specially negotiated in each case, creating inconsistency. The ability to normalize and efficiently manage information contained in legal documents is essential to maintaining proper relations. Manually working with thousands of documents is a costly and overwhelming task.
Megaputer offers a solution based on PolyAnalyst™ that helps automatically extract, normalize and organize in structured form important information from piles of legal documents. The solution can be customized to extract any specific entities, relationships, and facts. The organization uses the delivered structured results to streamline business processes and make informed and timely decisions.
Perhaps you need to extract the terms of business loans that a financial institution has with different companies or the extent of coverage an insurance company negotiated with various providers for thousands of medical procedures. In both cases, relevant information can be dispersed through piles of free text documents, each using somewhat different language to describe the same situation. The terms of a business loan represent a vector of features comprising a complex fact: they include the loan purpose, the negotiated rate type and value, the loan term, possible dependency of the loan rate on the prime rate, etc. Some elements of the sought information might be stored in tables embedded in a document and thus require additional interpretation. The solution we offer can be customized to reliably extract and organize all needed pieces of information.