Tradeshow / Conference
July 1, 2001
Data Mining, Text Mining and Web Data Mining Seminar
The Data, Text and Web Mining seminar is aimed at quickly introducing you to the main concepts, objectives, and technologies in each of the covered fields, as well as providing you with hands-on experience in using some of the leading analytical tools. Our expertise in business intelligence stems from the fact that Megaputer is both a leading developer of high-end analytical tools and a consulting agency delivering turnkey data exploration projects to customers. We will share our vision of the coming simplification and transformation of knowledge discovery into a mass-market technology operating behind the scenes to optimize many business tasks, especially in the world of eBusiness.In the hands-on section of the seminar, you will learn the best practices in applying to real world tasks the leading data mining, text mining, and web data mining systems offered by Megaputer. Finally, we will be happy to answer your questions and discuss your project after the seminar, aiming to provide you with hints and guidance best suited for your data analysis project.