Thursday, February 23, 2017
Why You Should Attend
Megaputer Intelligence is hosting a seminar + workshop on how data and text analytics can arm practitioners in Insurance industries with actionable insights.
The one-day seminar will focus on hot text analytics topics such as analyzing call-center transcripts, surveys and social media data, improving subrogation prediction and working with BIG DATA. The seminar will present innovative analytical solutions and provide ample opportunities for networking with industry experts from leading companies.
The one-day hands-on workshop will delve deeper into the most important topics of text analytics such as industry-specific custom dictionaries, document classification and entity extraction. It will facilitate hands-on experience with PolyAnalyst™, Megaputer’s data and text analysis tool, to address analytical tasks in Insurance domains.
We hope the successful implementation of advanced text analytics will become your next competitive edge!
These are the topics to be presented at the Insurance Seminar (Day One – February 23, 2017). The Insurance Workshop (Day Two – February 24, 2017) is on the following day. Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be provided. A dinner on Thursday, February 23rd will be provided at the Irish Lion. Please RSVP your plan to attend this dinner.
Seminar — Day One
Breakfast Introduction
Presented by: Sergei Ananyan, Megaputer CEO
An overview of how text analytics is being used by insurance companies.
8:35 – 9:10 am
Voice of Customer Analysis: Customer Surveys
Presented by: Jeffrey Palan, Megaputer
Hearing the voices of multitudes is a big claim made by many companies. Especially when its a company motto or promise. Survey analysis has been one of the important tools for understanding customer needs. We will explore how text analysis fills the gaps of typical survey analysis to provide new insights.
9:10 – 9:45 am
How We Perform Text Analysis: Computational Linguistics 101
Presented by: Rebecca Hale, Megaputer Computational Linguist
Learn the overall foundation of Computational Linguists with this presentation and why it’s important to your company’s analytical results.
9:45 – 10:05 am
Morning Break
Refreshments will be provided. Feel free to network and get to know other attendees.
10:05 – 10:40 am
Improving Subrogation Prediction Through Text Analytics
Presented by: Chris Farris, Megaputer Intelligence
Subrogation provides insurers an opportunity to recover lost assets from parties at fault in auto accidents. However, identifying claims in which subrogation is a possibility can be a lengthy process. Automating this identification allows claims to be responded to more quickly and improves the efficiency of resource allocation to the subrogation attempt. Text Analysis of auto claim notes from adjustors can achieve this automation and provide an accurate list of likely subrogation opportunities.
10:40 – 11:15 am
The Key Benefits of Competitive Intelligence
Presented by: Rebecca Hale
There can be many reasons why an insurance company needs to gain more insights about competitive landscape. Seeking possible acquisition targets, monitoring business activities of competitors, timely revealing emerging customer needs, identifying new market trends and promising technologies are only some of tasks addressed by software systems aimed at Competitive Intelligence. Such solutions perform in-depth analysis of the stream of data from open sources such as magazine articles, corporate reports and company press releases to deliver direct answers to important business questions in concise and easy to comprehend form. This presentation discusses key objectives, challenges, technologies and results provided by a modern Competitive Intelligence solution.
From this talk you will learn about:
- Tasks encountered in Competitive Intelligence and ways to address them
- Challenges with acquiring data for analysis
- Tools for extracting standard and custom entities and relationships
- Typical results delivered to decision makers
11:15 – 11:50 am
Extracting Entities and Relationships from Medical Record and Legal Documents
Presented by: Ankit Shah, Megaputer Intelligence
Identifying useful entities from documents using text analysis can be tricky depending on many factors. We will look into a diverse set of entities that can be extracted automatically by default and explore the great possibilities of creating custom entity extraction techniques using linguistic rules for domain specific knowledge-targeting.
11:50 am – 1:10 pm
Lunch Break & Networking
Lunch will be provided taking into consideration dietary restrictions of guests.
1:10 – 1:45 pm
Analyzing External Sources: Detecting Emerging Trends (NHTSA)
Presented by: Jun Yang, Megaputer Intelligence
External sources are under-leveraged by most insurance companies. Using data from NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), we will explore examples of late recalls and learn how these sources can be utilized to detect emerging issues that could have been better handled given enough warning.
1:45 – 2:20 pm
Advanced Analytics for Fraud Detection and Prevention
Presented by: Min Chen, Megaputer Intelligence
Fraud schemes in insurance is becoming more advanced with each passing year. The more data sources that can be analyzed to trace this malicious activity the better. Two case studies will illustrate data and textual analysis for improving the detection of fraud or abnormal behavior. In the first case study, several scenarios are examined based on health insurance claims. The second case study explores repeated property and casualty insurance claims that reveal critical attributes and targets suspicious adjustors.
2:20 – 2:55 pm
Employee Survey Analysis
Presented by: Aditya Kambhapati, Megaputer Intelligence
Lack of employee engagement is costly to a business. Gallup researchers estimate that disengaged workers cost U.S. businesses as much as $450 billion a year in lost productivity. We will discuss employee sentiment, important themes and areas of improvement across different job roles of the organization that could help companies improve the performance of their employees.
2:55 – 3:15 pm
Afternoon Break
Refreshments will be provided.
3:15 – 3:50 pm
Automated Generation of Associate Performance Scorecard (Call Center)
Presented by: Bipin Inamdar, Megaputer Intelligence
Assessing the performance of call center associates need not be a manual operation! Text analysis can evaluate chat transcripts for conformity with performance standards and generate scorecards for associates, teams and departments. Results are presented via interactive, web-based reports of data visulizations.
3:50 – 4:25 pm
Social Media Data Analysis
Presented by: Lu Zhang, Megaputer Intelligence
Social media is used more effectively by some over others to obtain benefits such as receiving genuine feedback from customer posts, learning about current market needs and getting ahead of competitors. The type of insights that can be gathered using text analytics helps those companies with less resources become authority on effective marketing and customer engagement.
4:25 – 5:00 pm
Working with BIG DATA: Overview of Techniques and Tools
Presented by: Pavel Anaschenko, Megaputer Intelligence
An overview best practices when performing text analysis on a BIG scale.
5:00 – 5:30 pm
Closing Roundtable Discussion
Presented by: Sergei Ananyan, CEO Megaputer Intelligence
Discussions around implementation path for text analysis applications, project brainstorming, and extra topics of interest.
Post-Seminar Workshops
How Text Analytics Works
Presented by: Rebecca Hale, Megaputer
9:00 – 9:55 am
Data Cleansing and Management, Dictionaries
Presented by: David Priver, Megaputer
10:00 – 10:55 am
Document Classification with PolyAnalyst – Part 1
Presented by: Chris Farris, Megaputer
11:00 – 11:55 am
Techniques for Automated Extraction of Entities and Relationships from Documents
Presented by: Rebecca Hale, Megaputer
11:55 am – 1:00 pm
Lunch Break
Lunch will be provided
1:00 – 1:55 pm
Document Classification with PolyAnalyst – Part 2
Presented by: Jason Liu, Megaputer
2:00 – 2:55 pm
Working with Diverse Data Sources and Languages
Presented by: Jeff Palan, Megaputer
3:00 – 3:55 pm
Hands-on Text Analysis with PolyAnalyst – Best Practices
Presented by: Ankit Shah, Megaputer
4:00 – 4:55 pm
Detailed Overview of a Subrogation Prediction Solution
Presented by: Chris Farris, Megaputer
Megaputer Staff

Aditya Kambhapati

Ankit Shah

Bipin Inamdar

Brian Howard

Chris Farris

David Priver

Jason Liu

Jeff Palan

Jun Yang

Lu Zhang

Min Chen

Pavel Anaschenko

Rebecca Hale

Sergei Ananyan
Registration is no longer available for this event.